The National Conference on Wilderness Medicine

Big Sky Ski Resort, Montana

February 22 - 26, 2025

About Our World Renowned Faculty

Eric A. Weiss, MD, FACEP

Eric A. Weiss, MD, FACEP

Professor of Emergency Medicine, Founder/Director, Wilderness Medicine Fellowship, Stanford University School of Medicine; Medical Advisor, National Geographic Society, Author of A Comprehensive Guide to Wilderness and Travel Medicine and Field Guide to Wilderness Medicine.

cme course faculty Hackett

Peter Hackett, MD

Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine, Univ of Colorado Denver; Founder and Director, Institute for Altitude Medicine, Telluride; Summited Mt Everest in 1981.


Timothy B. Erickson, MD, FACEP, FACMT, FAACT

Chief, Division of Medical Toxicology, Department of Emergency Medicine, Brigham Health, Harvard Medical School. Core faculty, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative; Section Editor, Wilderness & Environmental Medicine, Boston, MA.  Read more about Dr. Erickson here.

cme faculty karen

Karen B. Van Hoesen, MD, FACEP

Professor of Emergency Medicine, Director, UCSD Diving Medicine Center and Dive Medicine Fellowship, University of California San Diego School of Medicine, San Diego, CA.

cme course faculty howard

Howard J. Donner, MD

Co-author of The Field Guide to Wilderness Medicine. Featured in two successful NOVA documentaries including; Deadly Ascent, and the critically acclaimed film: Everest: The Death Zone. Medical operations consultant for NASA for 5 years. Medical advisor for Telluride's Search and Rescue team. Staff physician for the Himalayan Rescue Association for 2 seasons. Began his career as a professional river and mountain guide, now a Certified Flight Instructor and professional skipper. Has advised mountaineers, rescuers, Olympic athletes, pilots and aerospace personnel throughout his career.

Michael J. Vanrooyen, MD, MPH, FACEP

Michael J. Vanrooyen, MD, MPH, FACEP

Director, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative; Chairman of Emergency Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Mass General; Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School.  In addition to work in Somalia, Bosnia, Sudan, Iraq, North Korea, and many other countries, Dr. VanRooyen has worked as a physician in several emergencies in the US, including the 9/11 World Trade Center Attack, Hurricane Katrina, and the Boston Marathon Bombings.

Kyle Allred

Kyle Allred, PA

Professional expedition and whitewater guide on five continents for over 20 years. Wilderness survival instructor, field course instructor, and co-founder of Instructional Videos. Co-founder of Medical Education Videos.

cme course faculty valerie

Valerie Dobiesz, MD, MPH, FACEP

Director of Internal Programs: STRATUS Center for Medical Simulation, Director of Women's Leadership Initiative, Brigham & Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School; Faculty, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, Boston, MA.

cme course faculty james

James P. Bagian, MD

Former NASA Astronaut, Professor, Department of Medicine and Chief Patient Safety And Systems Innovation Officer, University of Michigan.

cme course faculty bernard

Bernard W. Dannenberg, MD, FAAP, FACEP

Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine, Director, Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Stanford University Medical Center and Lucille Packard Children's Hospital.

cme course faculty lanny

Lanny Johnson, FNP/PA

Former Medical director for Jackson Hole Ski Patrol; mountaineering guide for over 20 years; former climbing park ranger and medical advisor, Grand Teton National Park.

cme course faculty sheryl

Sheryl Olson, RN, BSN

Outdoor Survival and Navigation Instructor, Flight Nurse, Wilderness Safety Instructor, and Cruise Ship Nurse. Developed a survival training program for air medical flight crews in Colorado. Has led several expeditions to Everest Base Camp. One of the lead instructors of Advanced Wilderness Expedition Provider (AWEP).

cme course faculty gary

Gary Kibbee

Navy Seal; Special Forces Survival Instructor; swiftwater rescue, high angle rescue, and dive rescue instructor; specialist in tactical and wilderness medicine, escape and evasion, and confined space rescue.

cme course faculty philipwhite

Philip White

Fire Chief (retired), South San Francisco Fire Department; Senior Fire Instructor and Instructor of Heavy Rescue (building collapse), Hazardous Materials specialist, CBRNE Project Manager, Bay Area Urban Security Initiative, 35 years of experience developing, implementing and managing training programs for EMS, fire service, private industry, law enforcement and military special operations.

cme course faculty KIBBEE

Danny Kibbee

Survival instructor specializing in training children and teens to survive in any environment.

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